VS Code Setup: An Update
A few people on micro.blog (opens in a new tab) inquired about my VS Code extensions after I posted a screenshot of my editor.
VSCode: Themes
I was using SynthWave '84 (opens in a new tab) with custom CSS for the glow, but unfortunately it breaks markdown highlighting and I write all my articles for all my blogs in VS Code.
I am currently using Material Theme, Palenight (opens in a new tab).
I also have the standard Monokai, Cobalt2 (opens in a new tab), nightowl (opens in a new tab), and Synthwave '84 which is my favorite.
I have a lot of extensions. 177 is the count now1.
Some of my favorite extensions:
Random Extensions
- Bracket Pair Colorizer (opens in a new tab)
- Dash (opens in a new tab)
- File Utils (opens in a new tab)
- Gatsby Snippets (opens in a new tab)
- WakaTime (opens in a new tab)
- Path Intellisense (opens in a new tab)
- npm Intellisense (opens in a new tab)
- Quokka.js (opens in a new tab)
- Search node_modules (opens in a new tab)
- Relative Path (opens in a new tab)
- React/Redux/react-router Snippets (opens in a new tab)
- Typescript React code snippets (opens in a new tab)
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets (opens in a new tab)
- vscode-styled-components-snippets (opens in a new tab)
- Color Info (opens in a new tab)
- Color Highlight (opens in a new tab)
- SCSS IntelliSense (opens in a new tab)
- IntelliSense for CSS, SCSS class names in HTML and Slim (opens in a new tab)
- JavaScript Booster (opens in a new tab)
- JS Refactor (opens in a new tab)
- Promise snippets (opens in a new tab)
- Git Extension Pack (opens in a new tab)
This consists of:
- Git History (git log)
- Project Manager
- GitLens
- gitignore
- Open in GitHub / Bitbucket / VisualStudio.com
- Gist Extension (opens in a new tab)
- JavaScript Unit Test snippets (opens in a new tab)
- Jest (opens in a new tab)
- Prettier - Code formatter (opens in a new tab)
Final Thoughts
Not much has changed since I first wrote about my setup last year (opens in a new tab). I am still an extension junkie2, and VS Code is still my favorite editor.